Obolewski K. Glińska-Lewczuk K. Strzelczak A. 2015. Does hydrological connectivity determine the benthic macroinvertebrate structure in oxbow lakes? Ecohydrology, 8, 1488–1502
Jarosiewicz A., Obolewski K., Ożgo M. 2015. Long-term trends in nutrient concentrations in Polish coastal rivers. Ocean & Coastal Management, 118, 37-46,
Obolewski K., Jarosiewicz A., Ożgo M. 2015. Invasive ponto-caspian hydrozoan Cordylophora caspia (hydrozoa: Cnidaria) in southern Baltic coastal lakes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 167, 147-153,
Obolewski K., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Ożgo M., Astel A. 2016. Connectivity restoration of floodplain lakes: an assessment based on macroinvertebrate communities. Hydrobiologia, 774:23–37
Lew S., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Burandt P., Obolewski K., Goździejewska A., Lew M., Dunalska J. 2016. Impact of environmental factors on bacterial communities in floodplain lakes differed by hydrological connectivity. Limnologica 58, 20–29
Goździejewska A., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Obolewski K., Grzybowski M., Kujawa R., Lew S., Grabowska M. 2016. Effects of lateral connectivity on zooplankton community structure in floodplain lakes. Hydrobiologia, 774:7–21
Glińska-Lewczuk K., Burandt P., Kujawa R., Kobus Sz., Obolewski K., Dunalska J., Grabowska M., Lew S., Chormański J. 2016. Environmental factors structuring fish communities in floodplain lakes of the undisturbed system of the Biebrza River. Water 8, 146
Obolewski K., Strzelczak A., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Osadowski Z., Astel A., Timofte C.M. 2016. Ecohydrological relatioships between benthic communities and environmental conditions in the spring areas. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 15, 6, 1281-1291
Obolewski K., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Burandt P., Kobus S., Strzelczak A., Timofte C. 2016. Response of the fish community to oxbow lake restoration in a low-gradient river floodplain. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 15, 6, 1269-1279
Astel A., Astel K., Tsakovski S., Biziuk M., Obolewski K., Glinska-Lewczuk K., Bigus K., Craciun I., Timofte C.M. 2016. Comprehensive comparison of a few variants of cluster analysis as data mining tool in supporting environmental management. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 15, 6, 1173-1185
Kobus S., Glinska-Lewczuk K., Sidoruk M., Skwierawski A., Obolewski K., Timofte C.M., Sowinski P. 2016. Effect of hydrological connectivity on physico-chemical properties of bottom sediments of floodplain lakes - a case study of the Lyna river, northern Poland. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 15, 6, 1237-1246
Astel A.M., Bigus K., Obolewski K., Glińska-Lewczuk K. 2016. Spatiotemporal assessment of water chemistry in intermittently open/closed coastal lakes of Southern Baltic. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 182, 47-59 Obolewski K., Bąkowska M. 2017. Epiphytic invertebrate patterns in coastal lakes along a gradient of salinity and water exchange with the sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 197, 150-158.
Balan A., Obolewski K., Luca M., Cretescu I. 2017. Use of macroinvertebrates for assessment of restoration works influence on the habitat in floodplain lakes. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 16(4), 969-978 Bąkowska M., Obolewski K., Ryszard W. 2017. Does dredging of floodplain lakes affects the structure of the macrophytes and epiphytic fauna inhabiting Stratiotes aloides? E3S Web of Conferences 17, 00005, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20171700005
Kujawa R., Fopp-Bayat B., Cejko D., Kucharczyk D., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Obolewski K., Biegaj M. 2018. Rearing river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (L.) larvae under controlled conditions as a tool for restitution of endangered populations. Aquculture International, 26, 27-36; Impact Factor: 1,095
Obolewski K., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Bąkowska M. 2018. From isolation to connectivity: the effect of floodplain lake restoration on sediments as habitats for macroinvertebrate communities. Aquatic Sciences, 80(4) Obolewski K., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Astel A. 2018. Lost connectivity between a coastal lagoon and the sea – implication of floodgate closure for benthic macroinvertebrates. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 211, 77-89.
Mrozińska N., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Burandt P., Kobus Sz., Gotkiewicz W., Szymańska M., Bąkowska M., Obolewski K. 2018. Water quality as an indicator of stream restoration effects—a case study of the Kwacza River restoration project. Water, 10: 1249.
Obolewski K., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Szymańska M., Mrozińska N., Bąkowska M., Astel A., Lew S., Paturej E. 2018. Patterns of salinity regime in coastal lakes based on structure of benthic invertebrates. PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0207825
Jureczko M., Ziembińska-Buczyńska A., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Burandt P., Kobus Sz., Lew S., Obolewski K. 2018. Dynamika sezonowych zmian bioróżnorodności bakterii w jeziorach przymorskich: Łebsko i Sarbsko. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 20, 1830-1858.
Obolewski K., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Bąkowska M., Szymańska M., Mrozińska N. 2018. Patterns of phytoplankton composition in coastal lakes differed by connectivity with the Baltic Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 631-632, 951-961.
Urbańska M., Kirschenstein M., Obolewski K., Ożgo M. 2019. Silent invasion: Sinanodonta woodiana successfully reproduces and possibly endangers native mussels in the north of its invasive range in Europe. International Review of Hydrobiology, 104, 127–136.
Napiórkowski P., Bąkowska M., Mrozińska N., Szymańska M., Kolarova N., Obolewski K. 2019. The Effect of hydrological connectivity on the zooplankton structure in floodplain lakes of a regulated large river (the Lower Vistula, Poland). Water 2019, 11, 1924.\
Astel A., Bigus K., Obolewski K., Niedzielski P., Stec M., Astel K., Tsakovski S. 2019. Heavy metals risk assessment in water and bottom sediments of ICOLLs in northern Poland. Global NEST Journal, 21, 4, 438-448.
Szymańska M., Burandt P., Bąkowska M., Sowiński P., Mrozińska N., Obolewski K. 2020. Long-term effects of hydromorphological stream restoration on changes in microhabitats of Ephemera danica (Ephemeroptera) and its population. Ecological Indicators 109, 105810.
The ecological status of the southern Baltic coastal lakes. K.Obolewski (red.) PWN Warszawa, 2017, s.224, ISBN 978-83-01-19534-2
Hydroecological determinants of functioning of southern Baltic coastal lakes. K.Obolewski, A.Astel i R.Kujawa. (red.) PWN Warszaw, 197, ISBN 978-83-01-19535-9
Projektu badawcze
Grant badawczy Narodowego Centrum Nauki Nr UMO-2012/07/B/ST10/04359 do wniosku nr 2012/07/b/ST10/04359 w latach 2013-2017; Tytuł: „Hydroekologiczne uwarunkowania funkcjonowania ekosystemów jezior przybrzeżnych południowego Bałtyku”
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